5 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Thank you for the
    “not giving away your secrets during sales”
    it is very helpful

    i did it more than once with large digital media companies
    only to see these ideas up on their site the following week
    and no return call

    best to you


  2. Hi Donald

    I read your Breaking the Time Barrier and I loved your story. I have read the Emyth and I really want to create a book from my DVD’s for business owners (launching in March), “Re-ignite Your Business Re-ignite Your Life” 6 Fabulous Game Changers in Business.

    Would you be interested in writing at story about it?

    I will be happy to send you a copy of the DVD’s

    In essence its 6 areas that have used time and time again to Re-Ignite my clients business and their lives. I am a professional speaker and I do keynotes around the country about the topic Re-ignite Your Business Re-ignite Your Life 6 Fabulous Game Changers in Business

    Let me know if this might something you might want to consider?

    PS i loved your work


    • Hi Themi – Thanks so much for letting me know you loved Breaking the Time Barrier – I really appreciate your sharing that. And congratulations on your DVD series! I’ll reply via LinkedIn, because I know we just connected there. Stay tuned!


  3. Just looking at the photo of your grandfather and someone else standing outside a shop. I have the same photo. The someone else is my father and your great uncle William Cormack whom you met along with his brother Donnie when you came over to Wick in the 1980’s. The photo was taken in Edinburgh in the late 1940’s outside your grandfather’s painter and decorator’s business in Constitution Street in Leith. Hope this info is of interest to you

    • Hi Avril!
      Wow. Thank you so much for your note. What a thrill to hear from you. I can’t believe you found this site, and that you have the same photo. I’m so grateful for your response. I remember that visit with your father and his brother Donnie so well. I hope you are doing well. If you’re on Facebook, let’s connect.

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